In this day and age of synthetic drugs and genetially modified organisms, one can only surmise that all these advancement and technology will eventually backfire on us or have they? Scientists and technocrats always argue that they are pushing all these for the common good, particularly to feed a hungry and growing world and to save the people from annihilation. But, have these people really made the world a healthier place for us and especially the children?
Some doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat children's cold and viral infections at the drop of a hat. We see a proliferation of bovines and meat products treated with antibiotics, fruits and vegetables laced with pesticides. Common sense would easily tell you that our bodies created and born in its natural state without the intervention of any chemical substance can only take so much of these before it reacts and counteracts in the form of more virulent diseases.
Before I had my daugthers, Isabelle and Ilysse, my knowledge of a healthy lifestyle was limited to eating the right food and doing your daily exercises. But, when my father succumbed to colon cancer (who was never a drinker and a smoker and rarely ate red meat) before he could see his first grandchild, there was no more turning back for me on looking for alternatives to a healthier lifestyle that would benefit my family and my daughters. I scoured the bookshelves and searched the world wide web on healthy, organic eating. I bought only organic vegetables and tried to get my hands on organic fruits. I looked for homeopathic doctors who cured the disease and not only the symptoms. I splurged my hard-earned money on anything organic. I did tremendous research on issues that have affected and continued to affect the health and well-being of my family. Since my crusade began six years ago on giving my children the best care I could get, I was met with criticism and even self-doubt. But, looking back, I am thankful for that opportunity of exploration and empowerment as it made me realize that I need not always accept authorities' words as final and good.
I created this blog primarily for my children so I can impart to them the importance of research, reading, and study, the value of an analytical and open mind, and to let them know that this a product of my devotion to them. I do not claim that my method of raising my children is the best, or even the only correct way. I, in the course of my writings, would necessarily have to relate my distressing experiences with conventional doctors. Nonetheless, I know from my own experience that there are still medical doctors out there who are not only competent and upright but are truly concerned with the welfare and health of their patients. Finally, this blog aims to empower parents, especially mothers, that the care and welfare of their children need not be wholly and fully dependent on the one who wears white and the one who dispenses chemicals.
Very well said! - Anic
Hey Rachelle,
Congrats on this blog. Now you can share with the world what you are passionate about it. I can feel how interested you are in the topic by the way you write!
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